N头条>英语词典>drop behind翻译和用法

drop behind

英 [drɒp bɪˈhaɪnd]

美 [drɑːp bɪˈhaɪnd]

落后; 落后于




  • Objective To determine whether the learning performance of female high school students drop behind after their adolescence.
  • With advances in weapons and their control technology, GJ standards gradually drop behind, it requires in-depth study to explore new theories and data processing methods to more adapt to the needs of system performance.
  • In the former study of the landing process of an aircraft, modeling and analysis methods are conventional and a little bit drop behind.
  • Moreover, compared with foreign competitors, domestic securities company drop behind not only on business scale and variety, but also on risk management, corporate governance and human-being resource management.
  • However, the current maintenance training ways drop behind, which has a significant impact on maintenance of steam turbine. The traditional maintenance training patterns are unable to meet the maintenance requirements of modern steam turbine.
  • Science and technology in China is still drop behind many countries, the faultiness in our national technology transfer system lead to some inefficient technology transfer activities, the input and output of technology transfer are far behind developed countries.
  • On the other hand, teaching is lack of features, the concept is old and the methods drop behind.
  • The development of highway in our country is swift and violent, but, compare to the development in highway construction, the development in highway maintenance and maintenance machinery is seriously drop behind.
  • The research, development and application in domestic of high speed motorized spindle are both drop behind with the advance foreign products for various reasons.
  • The result is: Because the social effects and environment effects of urban spatial structure were drop behind, xi'an situated competitiveness inferior position in the sample cities.